Friday, February 27, 2009

9 Books for '09

A couple of years ago, I had this crazy idea to read 100 books in 1 year. Well, I think I fell about 85 books short of that goal. This year, I've targeted 9 books that I want to read at some point during the year. And I hope, as time permits, to review those books here as I'm reading through them.  Now some of them I have read portions of, some of them I have yet to start. But I have read none of them in their entirety. Here they are...they're not necessarily in the order that I plan to read them.

"The Law is Not of Faith" edited by Estelle, Fesko, and Van Drunen

"Christless Christianity" by Michael Horton

"Seeing with New Eyes" by David Powlison

"Follow the Roar" by Bob Smiley

"The Yankee Years" by Joe Torre and Tom Verducci

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